Wednesday, June 29, 2011

USD1,4 Billion Project of New Container Terminal at Sabang Port

Sabang Port of Aceh in Indonesia is constructing a new container wharf of 423 meters at Sabang Bay. The management board of Sabang freeport and freetrade zone (BPKS) plans to have several container wharf to accommodate future size super container. Blessed with nutural deep sea at its quay side of 22 MLWS in average has made the port as one of the deepest port in the world.

Sabang is located strategically at the most western tip of the Malacca Straits, the busiest shipping routes in the world with more than 55,000 ship use the strait every year. Sabang is like a gate to enter the strait from Indian Ocean and Andaman Sea.

The construction of the new wharf of 423 meters will be completed at the end of this year. However, to start the operation, the container terminal still need another one yaer to equip itself with necessary things such as quay crane (ship-to-shore), container yard, and other types of crane for container handling at CY.

According to BPKS, the port still need a huge investment to make it as international transhipment hub to avoid congestion at the Malacca Straits. According to the port authority, the intent to build the port is not to be a rival to current transhipment port in the region such as port of Singapore, Port Klang and PTP, but to complement one another. The port, according to a source, will start the operation in 2013 or 2014.


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