Thursday, September 24, 2009

Blogging Trick: Adding a Widget at Different Location at Your Blog

By Muhammad Subhan
Special for:

The Internet has changed virtuality into reality and blogging is just a part of it (Abi Najla)
For blog beginners, it's just a fun to have your first blog get published to the rest of the world where you can put anything from your mind into a writing without having a certain level of editing from other parties and hope someone outside there will read it. However as the time goes on, you will find that your blog template is no longer satisfy what you really want on your blog. You become a bit professional now when you have this feeling in your head. Now you need to modify the template such as you want to add some widgets in certain location in your blog but the widget function is not available in that location. You might also want to put them at different locations inside your blog.

How to do that?

If you use Blogger or Blogspot for your blog, these instructions will guide you on how you can add a widget at different location to your blog.
  1. Sign into your Blogger account
  2. Go to the control panel and click the Layout tab
  3. Click on the Edit HTML. This will show you a HTML Edit Template windows
  4. Now, you need to edit your template. But before you do editing, you need to back up your current active template by clicking Download Full Template. This is to secure your current template just in case your editing is failed.
  5. Now, you need to decide where you want to locate your widget in your blog. Basically, a template has some parts: the header, the navigation (normally locate below the header), the content, and the footer. Name of that parts depends on your template creator.
  6. After you identify the widget location you want, now you need to find word "showaddelement='no'" in your template. [Tips: you can use Ctrl+F to find that word in your template]. For example: you want to add a widget below the post. Then you need to locate the word "content" first such as it appears something like: <!-- (Main) --><div class='contentwrapper'><div id='content'> and the word "showaddelement='no'"is located just below that script.
  7. Now you need to change the "no" to "yes" then save the template. If there is nothing notice appears after you click the save button it's meant that you succeed editing your template.
  8. Now, click Page Elements tab and you will see "Add a widget" function just above the post.
  9. Click "Add a widget" and choose type of widget you want to add to your blog.
  10. Repeat the above procedure if you want to add a widget to other locations in your blog
Have a nice try. I hope you could follow my instructions.

Muhammad Subhan
Special for:

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